
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Green Catalysis Symposium, we are pleased to welcome you in Rennes on March 23 and 24, 2017.

The conference will take place on the scientific campus of Beaulieu at the University of Rennes 1 located in the east part of the city and easily accessible by regular bus services.

The primary objective of this Symposium-Spring School is to bring together researchers with complementary, strong and diverse expertises in at least one of the pillars supporting green chemistry: homogeneous catalysis arising from molecular metal complexes, including their heterogeneous applications, for clean processes leading to complex molecules and materials;  biomass transformations into useful industrial intermediates or biodegradable polymers; energy economy or energy generation.

The other objective of the symposium is to constitute a Spring school for the education of young scientists in this growing field while fostering contacts between international experts in Green Catalysis and master or PhD students and post docs in order to help them for their future professional carreers.

Contacts with well established researchers will also be useful to initiate multimodal complementary cooperations for international programmes and to better innovate and discover applications with advanced catalysts, clean synthetic methods, catalytic processes for industry, and thus to build a task force in this catalysis field to the profit of our society.

To favour interactions between the speakers and participants;
- a few oral presentations by researchers will be selected
- posters will be presented and several posters prizes will be offered
-a party will be organized to favour direct interaction between students and post-docs with all lecturers and professors

For PhD students, the set of lectures will serve as a “module” of courses that PhD students need to attend in their university. Thus, contacts will be established with directors of  Dotorate school to get their agreements.




¤ Communication Prizes, here

¤ A celebration will be organized on the evening of March 23 in the honnor of  Christian Bruneau for his first 30 years of contributions to catalysis


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